Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tsunami Alert on 2/27, 2010

What a day today was!!

We had a Tsunami Alert in Hilo.

The power of 8.8 magnitudes earthquake in Chile was going to threaten us...

The Earth is so dynamic and powerful!

The news and radio stations were our main sources to get updated information.

The warning sounds for Tsunami started from the early morning around 5 (0r 6am).

For lunch, we (the lady and her son) went to the Mexican restaurant at Pahoa that is located within 15-20min drive.

Her son really helped us. Mahalo (thank you).

Almost everything, including seven-eleven stores, was closed in Hilo.

It turned out that Tsunami did not hit Hilo.
We had a peaceful sunset.

Tsunami was going to arrive here at around 11am. People who live down needed to evacuate for safety zones, including me.

Many people were upper ground and watching and waiting for Tsunami to hit Hilo.

We were at the ground of Hilo high school under a huge banyon tree.

It was such a nice and hot day! I felt something strange.

It seemed that nothing would hit Hilo. It was just so peaceful day!

This picture was taken around 9:30am before Tsunami might hit and we evacuated from our apartment.

How peaceful it was! How terrible Chile is now!

In Japan, we have a word to describe such a situation: "Arashi no kurumae no Shizukesa." It means that there is silence before a disaster/trouble (something bad) will happen.)

We are turly little creatures.

By the way,

Humans (Homo sapient) have only a spice even though other creatures have diverse spices..... The population of Homo sapient is way over. How the Earth will shift?

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