Monday, December 7, 2009

A New Home from 11/22 to present

I moved to a new place, again.

I found another better potential housing near the hilo bay.
I live at ocean front, which I was dreaming of.
It is more near to my work and school. I now ride my bike to move around. Good exercise!

I am taking care of a 92-year-old lady as a night helper and given a free room with a private bathroom.

The ocean view enriches my life!

Taking care of an elderly person has a lot of responsibilities. I am learning how to deal with the lady and the dying process.

I had hard days to communicate with her. I struggled a lot.

Human's brain can work unexpectedly.

I have been learning a lot through her mind.

Still, I am learning how to deal with her mystery mind. She has rich experiences in her life, so she has many drawers and doors of her minds.

I usually get her words personally. Other her caregivers taught me not to receive her words personally. Of course, it performs every situation at the outside of the world. "Do not get someone's words personally if it makes you unhappy."

I understand what they meant through spending time with her.

Not only her mind but also all man's minds can be mystery.

She makes me re-think about how our mind and brain works.

Staying with her is not easy.

She can easily make me cry and upset.

At the same time, I am blessed to learn manners, communication skills, and a lot of things from her.

I will do my best because many people have supported me through my new changes here.

Especially, one of her sons helps and supports me very much.

What life I have now!

I used to trying to walk without thinking of what the right now moment; but, now I learn to stop to see what is happening right now. Not looking back the past, I believe that this experience I have will enrich my personality and life.

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