Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Second 'Ohana (family)

I started working at USDA (Agriculture Research Service Center) in the end of May, 2008.
Working at USDA is one of my highlight in my life.
People there become my true `ohana....
They teach me a lot and treat me warmly with their kind eyes.
One of the photos shows my team workers.
I tell them many of my stories. I get another point of views from them and learn from their views.
In passed days, I have been gone through big changes.
My changes could be stopping working at USDA; or leaving my house for another place to stay.
My life was busy; housekeeping, taking care of dogs ('ohana), schooling, and this part-time job.
My home was not happy; my father and I were not able to be nice to each other.
I thought, some points, my life was controlled by my duties and my father.
I thought that there was no escape....(;however, I always wished to be free from the home (responsibilities and duties.)).
I am not happy in home.
I made my life complicated!

First, I chose to stop working at USDA.
Of course, I made all of workers badly surprised. (I am sorry!)
However, my second `ohana, especially my team and friend, has been helped me out to simplify my life like my parents and sisters/brothers.
I cried a lot to tell my truth and stories of my life.
The people listened to me kindly and warmly.
They worry about me and care of me.
Now, I choose to leave my home and be little away from my home.
I want to be independent and try to find a mature relationship with my home.
Mahalo nui loa e (Thank you very much for) reaching and pushing me to a big choice and an important change to make myself happier!!!!
I love the people at USDA very much, and I feel very happy to change my mind to stay working there.
I thank my supervisor who accept me to have there again.

I attach a photo of rocks.
In Japanese, we call it "ishi", which means rocks; mind. I always want to have beautiful minds....
Like these rocks, life can be really unique and beautiful.
Like these rocks, everyone is different and beautiful.

I also attach a photo of `ulu tree (bread fruit tree).
It symbolized the growth.
I need to grow and to notice it is a wonderful step without feeling fear....

I love my second `ohana!!!
I am really blessed to be at USDA and get knowing the people.
It does not matter how many time I say THANK YOU, I never feel enough how much they have done for me and helped me.
But, let me say, Mahalo!!!!!!!!!

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