Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Walking Story

I walked and walked for hours to downtown, school, and my friend house. It was a nice day!

Plants are growing on a roof. I could not tell an original color of the roof what was used to be. Time is moving and new things are coming.

In Japan, we say "Itadakimasu" before we eat food.

People have different beliefs and its translations into English.
Some people say;
"it means thank you for food."
"it means thank you for preparing food and its growers, packers, and transporters."

I was learned that it means thank you for giving us other lives.

I think every meaning is all true.

While I was walking, I saw a newly created bare ground that was used to be surrounded by many trees like jungle.

People cut trees, and the land will be built a huge rain-catchment water tank.

"Itadakumasu" to trees, plants, and soils.

We are having many lives not only food but environments, resources and materials from nature.

"Itadakimasu", I do not want to forget this word.

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