Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween at Home

October 31 (Saturday), 2009, the Halloween party was held at my home for short hours.

Mahalo (thank you) for coming to here!

Mr. White was one of the Nitto family's housemate.
Ms. Pink is my father's great friend!

Ms. Beauties are one of my father's IEP classmates. They are sexy and pretty!!

Mr. Scary is really scary! I took a lot of picture of him because his face came out really good in shots.

Ms. Yukata wears a special yukata from Japan. It was passed down from her mother and re-arranged for Ms. Yukata done by her grandmother.

They are the best couple!

All together look at my camera! Again, thank you very much for bring yourselves, decorate nicely, and bring food!
Happy Halloween, everyone!!!!

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