Monday, November 16, 2009

Storm in Hilo from 13th of Friday to today.

It has been rainy for days! It seems never to stop blessing so much u'a (rain) in Hilo.

My new host family, Linda-san, took me to the Boiling Pot park near her house.

The water is not hot but looks like boiling because massive water comes from mountains and falls into the deep area. As a result, it creates white bubbles similar to real boiling water.

Linda-san told me that it is usually dangerous to swim there.
People died. It makes sense that the water usually runs very fast and strong.

The water was brown mixed with dirt. This color reaches to the ocean called Honoli'i beach, a Hilo's surfing spot!

Hilo's surfers usually go there; I am also learning surfing there.

Almost every time, I have been beaten up by the waves and round rocks underneath at the beach. However, it is super fun!

Catching and riding on the waves is like a life lesson. You can learn many things from nature!

I think that today's brownish Honoli'i ocean is lonely. I do not expect to see many surfers there.

We have been having stormy days. The rainy days seems never to end. I miss the blue sky and the sun...

Indeed, how powerful the nature is!
When I visit the Boiling Pot park for the first time, I was amazed by the power of water.

Nature is strong as creature's wisdom.

Water is powerful as creature's minds.

I was excited to see the park.

When we have a nice sunny day, I will visit there again.

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