Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tamales Cooking Class (part1)

On 1/9, 2010, I had Tamales (a Mexican dish) cooking class at my supervisor's house. His wife Linda, who I think she is the best chef I know, taught her friend and me how to cook her home-style Tamales.

Tamales are a traditional Mexican dish that brings families together.

We rolled up Tamales before being cooked. All preparation were done by Lida.

Those are Tamales.

The inside of Tamales are corn flour paste, chickens, black beans, cheeses, and olives. We covered them with corn husks.

Then, we steamed them to be cooked.

She is our chef, Linda who is a wonderful lady. She is really a warm-hearted person. She also has beautiful clear eyes...

My Supervisor has a great wife!

Here is my supervisor, Steve. He was rolling up pre-steamed Tamales.

When I tried to roll, it was hard. It is not like rolling sushi.

Linda's good friend, Monika. She is also a warm-hearted person. She always has good smiles on her face.

It is better if you can sit down on chairs and have companies to entertain each other.

I am sure that is why making Tamales brings families together at a table!

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