Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Westside Story

On 5/25, 2010, my respectable friend drive to the western side of The Big Island with me!

It seems that the western side opens people's hearts!

She is very beautiful outside and inside.

Here is the Pololu Valley where it is a opposite side of the Wa'ipio Valley.

It takes about 1 and 1/2 hours to get here from Hilo by car.

Here is on the way of the Pololu Valley in the north Kohala.

The wind was so strong that made us laugh without any reasons.

The Kohala area has many ranch houses and families.

We saw many cattles.
I believe (hope) that they enjoy ocean views......

Here is again at the Pololu Valley on the mountain side.

People can walk down to the beach. If you are planning to visit here, please bring a good comfortable shoes!

Wow! I do not know about a god; but, I felt a god here!

There must be a creator who creates this nature?

Or, it may be creations make this nature?

We went to Havi areas where many art galleries and a Japanese artist museum breathe life into a historical place, which used to be a plantation area.

We also enjoy swimming at the beach in the Maunalani Hotel. It has nice sleeping chairs. We swam little but lay on the comfortable chairs for awhile.

Not only I enjoyed talking with her, I also enjoyed food in Waimea.

Waimea locates about 45 min. from Hilo by a car. This area is cool because its elevation of 1000 m.

We went to a nice cafe to have brunch.

We had a nice dinner at the Fujimama restaurant that was recommended by people's gossip.

It was expensive; but, I felt myself expensive as well.

I had a great day! Mahalo nui loa to her!

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