Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Life and Death

What is life?
What is death?

Why we die suddenly as if it was meant to be happened?
Why life comes up as if it was meant to be?

In 2010, I experienced and encounterd two big events: the death of Shiro and the lady who I used to take care for about 3 months.

This year will be a shifting year for me.
This year will be my turning point.
This year will be transforming year for us (my family).

These two events made me think what are life and death.

It is not easy to find answers.

Many people have helped me a lot through the processes of these big events.

Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much).

I start to think the meaning of my life.

One of monks I met taught us that things have reasons and results.
I believe that this phrase has many deep meanings.

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